“Pastor, Musician, Evangelist, Counselor; these are all the gifts and responsibilities David Keane carry on his shoulder, not without the enabling of the Holy Spirit of course, but as for me, I know him as a counselor and not just any counselor but one who cares from the heart and not just from theory. One of my first jobs in my early Twenties, I was employed in Downtown Kingston at a Credit Union where a revival was breaking out, people were being saved in our office many because of an “on fire” General Manager, my good friend Barbara, who would come have devotions in the mornings, shared what her pastor from Family Church on the Rock, David Keane preached on the Sunday. I was already familiar with him through his younger brother, Andrew who was ISCF leader and Deputy Head Boy at Meadowbrook High School years earlier.. even though I was not a Christian in high school when Pastor David Keane came to visit everyone came out to the event and this is the magnitude of the man.
Alas one summer, one of the Keane girls came to work at my office and shared my desk and through our time together and many chats, I became familiar with the family. It was one morning as I was struggling with depression that the she suggested that I speak to one of the pastors at her church.
Ultimately, over a short time, I met Pastor David on the campus of the church when I was visiting “Rock Teens” ( I was not a teenager then ), and we talked for just over an hour. To my surprise, he remembered me and knew my dad as they had occasion to do business together. Pastor David followed me up with phone calls and we met two other times. His genuine care and counsel saw me through some rocky years of failure and sin, but as I think about it, Pastor David was a very busy man, pioneering local gospel music in Jamaica, building and pastoring a church, traveling and yet he found time to help lift me out of a pit. I never attended his church as a member, I was not a musician, I had no notoriety, why did he do this? I think it was the heart of Jesus. Get well and Rise up Pastor David.”